Copy the "NetCloak Plug-In" file from the "NetCloak 2.5" folder to the
"Plug-Ins" folder in the same folder as the WebTen application.
Copy the "NetCloak.acgi" application into
the same folder as the WebTen application (not the "Plug-Ins" folder).
You will need the CGI to set configuration and other NetCloak settings.
Launch WebTen.
If you want to process all ".html" files through NetCloak, also follow these steps:
Launch your web browser if it is not already running.
Access your server's "Administration Server" home page (at
"") via your browser.
Click "Action Handlers".
In the table that appears, see if the first column contains an action named "CLOAK_PI".
If not, enter "CLOAK_PI" in the empty, editable cell in the first column ("Actions"),
and leave the second column, "Action Handler", empty.
Click "Save Handlers".
Click "MIME Extensions".
In the "User-Defined MIME Extensions" table that appears, enter ".html" in the first
column, "text/html" in the second column, and pick "CLOAK_PI" from the popup menu in the third column.
Click "Save MIME Extensions".
Installing the NetCloak CGI
Copy the "NetCloak.acgi" from the "NetCloak 2.5" folder
to the "cgi-bin" folder in the same folder as the WebTen application.
Double-click the "NetCloak.acgi" application to launch it. Starting NetCloak by
double-clicking on it is not required, as the Web server will
automatically start it as needed. However, starting by hand is
recommended to avoid possible start-up errors (like out of memory
Launch WebTen.
Launch your web browser if it is not already running.
Access your server's "Administration Server" home page (at
"") via your browser.
Click "Action Handlers".
In the table that appears, enter "CLOAK" in the empty, editable cell in the first column
("Actions"), and enter "/cgi-bin/NetCloak.acgi" in the second column, "Action Handler".
Click "Save Handlers".
Click "MIME Extensions".
In the "User-Defined MIME Extensions" table that appears, enter ".nclk" in the first
column, "text/html" in the second column, and pick "CLOAK" from the popup menu in the third column.
Click "Save MIME Extensions".
If you want to process all ".html" files through NetCloak, also follow these steps:
In the "User-Defined MIME Extensions" table that appears, enter ".html" in the first
column, "text/html" in the second column, and pick "CLOAK" from the popup menu in the third column.